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Showing posts from April, 2017

Do friends have sell by dates

This post is dedicated to my friend and general life coach :) So after three weeks off of the plan due to the torn muscle and the tonsilitis I am now a week back in, sadly the drama in my life didn't stop there. I am at a stage in my life where I am happy and settled, I have some amazing people around me, I really am very lucky. Sometimes though, this reveals some of the people who have been not so amazing and unfortunately, this happened to be someone I had considered one of my best friends a couple of years back. I have this friend, we used to be really close, we went through a lot together, however the last few years I have become more and more frustrated as our friendship seems to have become very one-sided. Around the time I moved out of the area, she had her first child, all was good I went to visit her regularly and I would take time off of work to drive over to see her and the baby, who I later became godparent to. Understandably, she couldn't come out as much, but I s

Pop goes the muscle

Last Friday was my birthday weekend, my boyfriend always takes me out for a surprise dinner & I was really looking forward to it. I had lunch with a friend and managed to stay on plan, I also bought loads of cakes and treats into work and didn't touch a thing. I was so in the zone. We went to a nice rooftop bar for some drinks and then headed off to the restaurant. We were waiting to cross the road and I went to run across and I felt a sickening pop in my calf. Oh the pain! Ouuuuuch! I managed to hobble to the restaurant hoping to walk it off. I got some ice from the waiter and LOTS of wine to try & dull the pain. The dinner was amazing, he took me to Smiths in Wapping which I love and it's very romantic AND I managed to eat healthy. Sadly the wine didn't work as I'd hoped and rather than go on for drinks after it was a taxi home. I'd planned to have a rest day on Saturday anyway, which was lucky as I could barely walk. I was feeling fed up and slightly pa