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Showing posts from October, 2017

Return of the Baz

I've noticed something about my anxiety, which in turn brings Barry back. It seems to return when I have a lot going on or stress happening in my life. Thinking about it now, it's hardly a revelation, but previously I'd been so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realised, I had thought my anxiety was permanent, now I realise I can control it (yay) Take this week for example, I am currently an agony aunt to about 3 different people, which I love as I love being there for my friends. My boyfriends ex is being a total pain and using the children as weapons again, one of his close family members is going through a break up and one of his friends has some mental health issues, we're going away for the weekend with the kids which is always quite stressful trying to get packed etc as we always end up arguing and to top it all off I am struggling to stay on plan. I woke up the early hours on Wednesday morning to thunder & lightening and then couldn't get back t

Needlessly needy

After a very busy summer, autumn is upon us. There have been weddings, holidays, a witch (crazy ex girlfriend) weekend trips and another leg injury. I have also decided to join slimming world as I was unfortunately finding the 90 day plan unsustainable, I love Joe but it just wasnt working for me. Slimming world however has seen me lose 5lb in 4 weeks, although I did put 2lb back on after a little trip to paris, but that's a given. As the shorter days and darker nights are creeping in, so is something else, my insecurities. I am becoming increasingly insecure and needy and I absolutely bloody despise it, which doesn't really help me feel any better about myself, it just gets added to the long list of "things I don't like about me" Take this weekend for example, my boyfriend went on his annual golf trip, he's been every year since before we met and I was actually looking forward to having the house to myself. I had arranged for some friends to come over on th