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Showing posts from May, 2018

When your comfort doesn’t cut it

I haven't written for a while, work has been hectic, wedding planning has been stressful and my boyfriend had a bereavement. I like to think of myself as someone who is good at helping others, if my friends have problems, I am usually one of the people they come to for advise or comfort. Which is why I have found myself in this unusual situation with my boyfriend. He's one of those types of people who does not want to be comforted, at least not by me and if I am completely honest, I have absolutely no idea how to deal with this situation. Of course, this situation isn't about me, he is the one who is grieving.I did not know this person very well at all, but I wanted to write about my experience here as it's not something I have experienced before I and I am finding it quite bewildering and if I am honest, really quite stressful as I want to help and comfort him, but I don't know how. For the first time in our 5 years of being together, I genuinely don't know ho