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Showing posts from July, 2018


I haven't been on here for a while, since I last wrote, I gained a husband (Yay) but, I have lost my mojo (boo) I've decided to write about everything to see if that will help me figure this all out. The week before the wedding was extremely stressful, not only was there a wedding to plan, but there was a funeral to attend 3 days before. I was at a complete loss on what to do for my husband as this had affected him quite badly, but he just went into himself and didn't seem to want to be around me. I tried to just get on with the last of the wedding plans but I was at my wit's end with worry about him, resulting in neither of us sleeping and then I came down with a sickness bug the week before then wedding, 2 days of this then turned into a full-blown cold. I honestly think I got through those last days on adrenaline alone! His ex girlfriend was also back to her old tricks of using the children as weapons, threatening that they would not attend the wedding as she wanted