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Showing posts with the label Healthy lifestyle

My 3 Intentions For This Week

Mind, body & soul I’ve been so focused on my writing lately, that I have neglected some other areas of my life, so I’ve decided that I would try and do 1 thing each for my mind, body and soul. Put my phone away In last week's blog post I mentioned an advert I saw at the cinema about putting our phones away and enjoying what we are watching. I am incredibly guilty of this, even as I sit and type this now, I have a program on in the background that I have recorded. This week, I am going to put my phone on Do Not Disturb each day and put my phone, IPad & laptop in the kitchen whilst I watch a program. Sounds easy, but even in the cinema, I had to resist the urge to get my phone out of my bag. It's a very bad habit and I want to undo it. Get my steps up Although I am thoroughly enjoying the amount of time I have available to spend writing, the downside is that I am spending less time walking around. This week, I aim to try and increase my daily steps by 1000. I w

My 3 Intentions for the coming week

I didn't do particularly well with last weeks intentions. I started off well, getting up at the same time each and taking a nice morning walk, but I found that as the week drew to a close and the long long Easter weekend arrived, I got lost in all the plans and let these slide. As I mentioned in last weeks blog post, food tracking became a complete ball ache and it took over a bit, so for the sake of my sanity (and waistline) I dropped it. I do still want to be conscious of my eating habits, I just need to experiment and find out what works best for me. I am always open to suggestions🙂 This week, is another short week for me. The husband and I are away for the remainder of Easter weekend and next weekend I am going away with my friend Rachel, so it doesn't give me much time at home, but I have tried to set intentions that will work with this. Send out my substack newsletter. My substack newsletter usually goes out on a Tuesday. I like to keep the content different from the