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Showing posts with the label Sunday

5 Things I've Seen & Heard In The Last Week

Sunday 24th July It's my precious Toby's 3rd birthday today. This morning will be for snuggles and fussing and then this afternoon we’re off to our friends to celebrate his birthday (again!) Well, I certainly wasn't able to watch as much TV as I did last week, unless you count Love Island, obvs. I think Ekin Su & Davide will win, btw. I did do a LOT of reading though, I sign up to a lot of email lists, and there's usually always something interesting in them somewhere. Anything I don't have time to read there and then, I add to my reading list in Google Chrome and make some time one evening or at the weekend to go through it, its become one of my favourite evening wind-down activities For those of you with children - here's something that may cure some of that summer holiday boredom that I saw in an email from Littlebird a website for ideas and savings for families. They are offering a 4 week free trial for FirstNews which is a weekly newspaper for ch