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Showing posts with the label energy

9 More true predictions from Tanya

If you read my blog post last Thursday, you will know that I have bagged myself a new job. You may remember also remember that a couple of weeks ago, I posted about a prediction a Tarot reading I had in January which came true. Tanya also predicted my new job also, so as I started to write this post, I referred back to the reading and found that there were actually more correct predictions and things that now made sense. The high priestess card, which is all about learning about yourself, self exploration, self trust and learning lessons. I am aware of my triggers and should choose wisely which road to take. I have recently had a bit of an epiphany, about something that triggers me. Its pretty huge actually and something I am going to write an article about. Its something that for some reason has finally clicked and realisation has hit me, even though its been staring me in the face for some time. I now have this much more under control and am extremely aware of this and feel bet

My 3 intentions for the coming week

As of yet no miracle has been invented to prevent me ageing so I am finally going to have to accept that I actually have to start looking after my body. I want and need to get myself back in shape. I’d like to have more energy and just generally feel less sluggish. I’ve read in many articles that strength training is better for women in their 40’s, so I am going to include some of this in my weekly routine. I also want to try and get a hold of my water intake, my skin is clearly feeling the effects of my lack of water so I just need to make more of an effort to not only incorporate this into my daily habits but stick to it. I have a really busy week this week and after (another) weekend away, I need to not only plan, but schedule my blog posts and newsletter. I’ve got myself into a really good rhythm with this and things are going well so I don‘t want to let things slide. I only plan to move forward from now on.

What went well this week

I’ve been on a pretty high vibe this week and with this, some pretty positive things are happening. As I mentioned in this weeks blog post, I had myself a little mini spa session on Wednesday and I’m pleased to report that as of Saturday morning, the nails are still look fabulous. Home spa sessions will absolutely become a regular thing now. The bestie came over for a catch up on Thursday night, we talked non stop for hours and as soon as she left I realised that there were loads of things I still needed to tell her, that are of course too long for a text message or phone call, so we will have to schedule another catch up in. At the end of the week, I joined the Medium Partnership Program. For me this is a huge step in the right direction for my writing career and I am looking forward to learning from other writers and hopefully having a bit more exposure to the world of writing. I have been blogging for over 5 years and I still enjoy it so much and I happily spend hours shut away in t