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Showing posts with the label mindful

5 Articles On Medium To Help You Accomplish Your Goals

This is my 700th post on Medium 🥳 I think I’ve come a long way since my first post Welcome To My Blog In yesterdays post, I shared 5 Steps To Setting Goals & Some Useful Tools & Tips Here are 5 articles I found on Medium that also provide some useful information around goal setting In the post What Do You Want? from Gustavo Gallina, we are reminded; “Dreams should be pursued. Set objectives and strive toward them.” In 3 Ways To Make Habits Stick Sobaan Saeed, also talks about failure “You’re gonna fail, you’re gonna screw up but if you show up with that positive attitude every day and just keep trying to do better that’s really all you can ask of yourself.” Daria Haller talks about self discipline in 8 Brilliant Ways To Master Your Self Discipline “don’t forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments.” Eve Arnold makes some great points in the article Why Trading Your Life Hack Mindset For Mindful Productivity Means You Wake Up Happier “Mindful prod

My 3 Intentions For The Coming Week

After having a massage last week and spending most of it having my brain race around, I tried a couple of mornings last week just sitting in complete silence, no phone, no TV, just me and a cup of tea. My brain was free to race around and do whatever it wanted and I found this helpful, so I am going to give this a go for 10 minutes each morning, instead of meditation. At the beginning of the year, I set myself some goals. Some were long term and others were short term and I try to base my monthly and weekly goals around these, to help me to achieve these. As the year has gone on, I have achieved some of these goals and some I have changed my mind about, so I am going to sit down and look at these and set myself some new goals. Once I’ve done this, I can update my vision board so it reflects my current goals. I hope that the second half of the year is as amazing as the first half.