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Showing posts with the label self talk

4 Things I Told Myself When Life Had Other Plans

that completely changed my mindset I had an entire list of ideas on what to write for the Wednesday Wisdom post, but fate had other things in store. 6 weeks ago, I resigned from a full-time job, after being offered a 6-month contracting position. I wrote about this in a post I had published in the Orange Journal, which you can read here I resigned just in the nick of time to make the start date for the new job. Since then, my start date was then moved 3 times, the first two times causing me to panic and burst into tears. I was contacted two weeks ago and told the date would be moving yet again and they would confirm by the end of the following week. After chasing twice, I received a call yesterday to tell me that the position is no longer available and I was sent two other job specs, which are for less money. I was pretty stunned. I didn’t know how to feel, as much as I want to pursue a career in writing, I planned to do that alongside a paid job until I can make enough money
There is always something to be grateful for I often find that when one area of life is going well, another area isn't going as well. Maybe sometimes when something is going my way, I look at other areas to improve, so that everything can be just how I want it. This is why I like doing my weekly posts on what has gone well so that when my brain is chewing over all that I perceive as negative, I can remind myself of all the positive things that have happened. This week, I will admit, that I struggled. I had to look in my 6-minute diary and look at my daily gratitude, just to give myself a little oomph as I was in a bit of a negative mindset. Needless to say, I felt a lot better afterwards. My creativity is through the roof. I have a list of over 30 ideas for posts and articles and it's growing daily. I love not having a 9-5 and working to my schedule, I am up earlier, get more done and in general, feel happier. I have the time and space to think clearly and it works well f