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My 3 intentions for the week

It’s not only a new week, but a new month and I’m really excited to see what May will bring. I had a busy week last week, so I didn’t have much time to read the submission rules to write for the publication on Medium, so I am going to dedicate some time to do that this week and I already have an idea for my article. I want to get two strength training sessions done, I did one last week, which I enjoyed but I was aching soooo bad for a couple of days afterwards, this time I’ll plan them so I can’t use aches and pains as an excuse. I also want to update my vision board. April was a really good month for me, a lot of things on my vision board are now in progress so it’s time to refresh it with updated goals, I love doing vision boards! What are your intentions for the coming week? ❤️

3 Things that went well this week

It’s been a great week, I started off well as I was away relaxing with my friend. I spent Monday and Tuesday catching up with a couple of friends, one who I hadn’t seen for quite a while. On Wednesday I had some really exciting news which I have been dying to share with you all and I am hoping to reveal all next week. 😊 What went well for you this week? ❤️

Feeling Thankful

Wow. What a week it has been. I enjoyed a fabulous relaxing weekend away and this week I have caught up with some friends at lunch, even managing to control my alcohol intake, without even trying. I am happily riding a high vibe at the moment and I am enjoying every single minute. I love it when life is like this, I am happy, things are going smoothly and I just need to embrace each and every moment. Every time this happens, there is the little voice in the back of my mind saying "Clare, you know that this isn't going to last" That voice used to be a lot louder, so loud in fact, that it used to stop me from enjoying the happy moments. Now, I am getting a lot better at embracing the highs and riding the lows. Every week, I feel like I am overcoming another obstacle in life, sometimes they are big, sometimes they are small, but either way, the feeling of overwhelm is getting easier to deal with. Its still overwhelming, but my stress levels are not as through the roof

My weekend at Stapleford Park

Elegance & tranquility I couldn't think of two better words to describe my weekend at Stapleford Park. My friend and I had originally booked a different hotel, but when we realised that they only had one restaurant and no bar, we decided to have a rethink. On our new search, we stumbled across this beautiful country estate near Melton Mowbray and quickly decided that this was the place for us. We booked ourselves in for the rejuvenating spa package. This included an overnight stay, dinner, breakfast, afternoon tea and a one hour spa treatment per person, all for £450 for 2 people, we wanted to go away for two nights, so we added another nights stay. The website, although it displays beautiful images of the hotel and grounds, could not possibly do it justice. We drove through the grand entrance and along a narrow drive lined on both sides with woodland, you then drive through an archway in the building and are led around an impeccably manicured lawn, to the magnificent m

My favourite detective is back on our screens

I am so happy to see Grace is back on ITV! I was apprehensive when the first book, Dead Simple was brought to our screens last year, but I needn't have worried. They didn't deviate from the storyline and the casting was brilliant. I downloaded the next episode, Looking Good Dead, yesterday morning and hoped for the same, especially as one of my favourite characters, Norman Potting, was about to make an appearance. I was so pleased they had nailed it again, despite knowing the storyline, I was still gripped. Craig Parkinson is a brilliant Norman Potting, I look forward to seeing more of his antics and I am thrilled that I only have to wait until next week for the next installment.

5 Posts for some Monday Motivation

I’ve found some fab posts for this weeks Monday. They fit right in with my intentions for this week. Let’s do this 🙌🏼

My 3 intentions for the coming week

As of yet no miracle has been invented to prevent me ageing so I am finally going to have to accept that I actually have to start looking after my body. I want and need to get myself back in shape. I’d like to have more energy and just generally feel less sluggish. I’ve read in many articles that strength training is better for women in their 40’s, so I am going to include some of this in my weekly routine. I also want to try and get a hold of my water intake, my skin is clearly feeling the effects of my lack of water so I just need to make more of an effort to not only incorporate this into my daily habits but stick to it. I have a really busy week this week and after (another) weekend away, I need to not only plan, but schedule my blog posts and newsletter. I’ve got myself into a really good rhythm with this and things are going well so I don‘t want to let things slide. I only plan to move forward from now on.