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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Ora Experience - The power of attraction

Recently I have been feeling what can only be described as "all over the place." I didn't know what I was doing, where I belonged and just felt completely lost. I've had this before and just muddled through, but this was different, I really needed to do something about it, I just didnt know what. A friend of mine is a holistic therapist (as well as a Reiki teacher and psychic medium) and I remembered her talking about completing a diploma in the laws of attraction, so I dropped her a desperate whatsapp asking when she was starting this new therapy, she replied saying that she was actually at the class at that very moment and would message me the details. When she did later that day I immediately asked to book in, I was desperate to take some action. I left my job last Thursday all ready to join my new place this week, but this did not help, I didn't know what to do with myself and found myself in a huge anxious mess on Monday, I was so glad that I had my session b

For the love of books

One thing I have always loved is reading. I had hypnotherapy last year and one of the questions the hypnotherapist asked in the initial session was do I hear, see or smell, I definitely see. When I am reading a book I am so immersed, I know exactly what that person looks like, for me it like watching a film, it's the same when I dream its like watching TV. As I have mentioned before, my ambition is to write books, not just one, but many. I want to give to others what so many authors have given to me. I am writing this blog post to share my favourite books and givers of book hangovers. In no particular order: Kane & Abel - Jeffrey Archer. I must have read this book at least 10 times and it never gets boring, I won't go into detail on any of these books as I don't want to ruin it but this really is one of the greatest stories I have ever read. Dead Simple - Peter James. A friend of mine got me into this series and I am totally hooked. I love how each book has a few indi