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Showing posts from March, 2019

It’s not easy being an empath

Last year whilst doing my Law of Attraction course, I discovered that I may very well be an empath. For those of you that haven’t heard of this, as I hadn’t until Tanya told me, here’s a short description. An empath is someone with the strong ability to feel the thoughts, emotions, and energy of others and generally, people who are empaths  are affected by these influences sometimes to the point of it becoming debilitating. I never realised this until, through the course, I became aware of energy. I know some of you think it’s a load of old shite, I used to be sceptical myself, but it totally makes sense.  For example, I would be in a normal mood, then I would see a friend who had some amazing news and I would come away feeling elated and excited as though the good thing had happened to me and on the flip side, if someone was having a hard time I would feel their pain, I’ve felt stressed, tearful and even lost sleep without having reasons before, then it slowly started to make sense