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It’s not easy being an empath

Last year whilst doing my Law of Attraction course, I discovered that I may very well be an empath. For those of you that haven’t heard of this, as I hadn’t until Tanya told me, here’s a short description. An empath is someone with the strong ability to feel the thoughts, emotions, and energy of others and generally, people who are empaths  are affected by these influences sometimes to the point of it becoming debilitating. I never realised this until, through the course, I became aware of energy. I know some of you think it’s a load of old shite, I used to be sceptical myself, but it totally makes sense.  For example, I would be in a normal mood, then I would see a friend who had some amazing news and I would come away feeling elated and excited as though the good thing had happened to me and on the flip side, if someone was having a hard time I would feel their pain, I’ve felt stressed, tearful and even lost sleep without having reasons before, then it slowly started to make sense when I put my general mood along with who I’d seen or what I had discussed that day. Sometimes even watching the news can have a huge impact on me, which is why I try to avoid it where possible. The worst culprits, I have discovered, are books, and get so immersed in a book that I can sometimes become attached to the characters it can sometimes leaving me feeling really low, I mean these aren’t even real bloody people! Am I going to become one of those psychos that goes up to soap opera characters in the street and has a go at them for what their character did?  There are some (real live) people, although these are very few and far between, that I just absolutely cannot have any empathy for whatsoever. I don’t know what it is, sometimes it’s people I barely know, sometimes it happens over time but once that feeling is there, I can’t change it.  I remember once interviewing this woman with a colleague, she was perfectly nice, seemed qualified for the role, but something didn’t sit quite right with me. When my colleague & I met with our boss to discuss, my colleague simply stated “there’s something I can’t put my finger on, but I’m really not sure about her” I felt relieved and felt brave enough to then voice my own opinions. The thing is you feel these things, but you feel guilty as you have nothing to base it on and basically feel like a bitch!  We offered the role to another guy but he’d already accepted another job, so we gave the role to, let’s call her Joan. Joan arrived, she was nice, too nice. I felt absolutely terrible, but I just couldn’t abide her. Might I add, this was before my Law of Attraction Course, so at this point had no idea why I was thinking or feeling like this, I felt like a terrible person. The only way I can describe it was it was like being around a really bad smell, I just didn’t want to be anywhere near it, when the smell wasn’t there I felt happier and more relaxed. I eventually left that company and the company I’d joined had some old colleagues of Joan and I found out that she was in fact not a very nice person, not only that, I bumped into some colleagues from my old company who told me that she had bad mouthed me, saying that I had told her to do things a certain way (the wrong way) considering I’d put those processes in place, there was no other way I would have shown her. Luckily my old boss knew this & told her so.  So in actual fact, it turned out my gut instinct was right in telling me to avoid Joan! Now I just need to learn how to tune out those negative people....where I can! 


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