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5 Steps To Setting Goals & Some Useful Tools & Tips

The reason I set goals is to motivate myself and give me something to work towards, it gives me a sense of purpose. Deciding on what your goals should be can be quite difficult. We need to think about what we truly want from life, not what we "should" want or what is expected of us. That's why I've listed 5 important steps to help you with your goal setting. 1. Ask yourself questions. To find out what it is you hope to achieve, you need to do a bit of self-discovery. What is it that you want from life? Remember, these are your goals and no one elses. 2. Write your goals down. Ideally somewhere you will see them often. 3. Think about why you want to achieve these goals and how achieving them would make you feel. This will hopefully weed out any goals that you aren't 100% sure about, you don't want to waste your time on doing something when your heart is not fully in it. 4. Decide on a time frame for when you would like to achieve each of these goals. 6

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My Top Ten Books For Self Improvement

No one's perfect right? I posted this in my newsletter recently but I thought I would elaborate more, and provide the links to each book. If I had gone through a little bump in the road a year or so ago, I don't think I would be sat typing this article, I would most likely be in bed eating Chinese takeaway, followed by ice cream, buying untold shit online on my credit card, accumulating more debt. Whilst I give most of the credit to my amazing therapist, I have done some learning myself by reading (and listening to) various self-improvement books along the way. Here are some of my favourites: Not a diet book - James Smith Ahh, James Smith! I started following him on Instagram a fair few years ago and I have listed him at the top as he recommended quite a few of the books on this list. You may have seen him on TV with his no-nonsense approach to the diet industry. In this book, there is straight-talking advice on how to get fit physically and mentally. Having been on the die

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What I'm reading - One Small Mistake

The book I read after Last one at the party took me a whole month to read! This is a really long time for me and I really struggled. When I picked up One Small Mistake, I was immediately drawn in, I devoured the first half of the book in one night, staying up until 2am, when my eyes finally gave in. I really loved how this book shows how we can perceive others thoughts and feelings differently and how this can really affect the decisions we make In the second half of the book, I was surprised to find myself relating to Elodie's sister Ava. There were things that were in her letters that I could have written myself and it was really quite comforting. I'm looking forward to reading more from Dandy Smith

My Top 5 Books of 2021

According to my Goodreads profile, I read 36 books in 2021. I love all different genres but I generally find myself with mostly mystery, crime and thriller books. I will honestly give any book a go. I used to make myself finish a book, even if I wasn't enjoying it but as I got older, I realised that life is too short. I do usually give them another go at some point as sometimes, I have to be in the right mood for certain books. The following books, in no particular order, were my favourite books of 2021. Exoskeleton - Shane Stadler "A convict is given a choice at his sentencing: Serve a 25-year prison term, or spend one year in an experimental corrections program. As his only hope for redemption, he opts for the latter, and finds himself in a horrific situation that transforms him into something the world has never seen. EXOSKELETON is a dark, dark ride along the border between science fiction and horror" This was the longest book I read last year, it mixes some f