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My Top Ten Books For Self Improvement

No one's perfect right? I posted this in my newsletter recently but I thought I would elaborate more, and provide the links to each book. If I had gone through a little bump in the road a year or so ago, I don't think I would be sat typing this article, I would most likely be in bed eating Chinese takeaway, followed by ice cream, buying untold shit online on my credit card, accumulating more debt. Whilst I give most of the credit to my amazing therapist, I have done some learning myself by reading (and listening to) various self-improvement books along the way. Here are some of my favourites: Not a diet book - James Smith Ahh, James Smith! I started following him on Instagram a fair few years ago and I have listed him at the top as he recommended quite a few of the books on this list. You may have seen him on TV with his no-nonsense approach to the diet industry. In this book, there is straight-talking advice on how to get fit physically and mentally. Having been on the diet wagon for many years, it took me a while to get my head around quite how simple it is. This was his first book, which I listened to on audible, bought on Kindle and bought a signed hardback copy (I had a bit of an obsession) he also wrote "Not A Life Coach" which I also enjoyed and is bringing out another book later this year called "How To Be Confident" which of course, I will be buying. Atomic Habits - James Clear I first listened to this book on Audible and I liked it so much, that I bought it in paperback. The idea is that you can make significant changes to an area of your life, simply by implementing small habits and building on them. The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod I read this at the beginning of the year and as you may already know, it's had a massive impact. Again it's about routine and habit forming and setting the tone for your day during those first few hours. The difference between this book and Atomic Habits is that this spells out the kind of habits you need to incorporate. You don't have to have read Atomic Habits before this, but I did find what I had learnt from reading that first useful. Lost Connections - Johann Hari Another book I listened to first and bought in paperback, I loved this book so much, that I bought it for a few friends. It talks about the science behind anxiety and depression in simple terms and gives a different perspective from what you might find elsewhere. Before reading this book, I thought I was going to be stuck in a cycle of misery and medication for the rest of my life. Since reading this book, I have been off of my anti-depressants for two and found other ways to help myself. Whilst I know this may not be the case for everyone, it still has lots of useful information and as the cover says, I found the answers to "Why you're depressed & how to find hope! Daily Stoic - Ryan Holiday This book forms part of my morning routine. There is a page per day with words of wisdom from some of the great philosophers. Each month focuses on a different area such as clarity, problem-solving & acceptance. The author then shares his views and examples on the subject. I look forward to seeing what advice is on the page each day and more often than not, I find it pretty apt. Why We Sleep - Matthew Walker I listened to this on audible and found it truly fascinating. I learnt so much about the importance of sleep and how much it affects our health. I'm not really into scientific things but this was easy to follow and very informative. The Stress Solution - Rangan Chatterjee I listened to this whilst doing my 200 miles in January last year. It shares the negative impact stress can have on our minds and bodies and has some brilliant tips on how to prevent and deal with stress. It's one I need on my bookshelf. Peri-Menopause Power - Maisie Hill I bought this last year after seeing something on Instagram. There is so much information and is a brilliant reference book I picked it up last week to look at some things and am contacting the doctor this week to arrange for some tests. Calm: Calm the Mind, change the world - Michael Acton Smith This is possibly the most beautiful book on my bookshelf. This is the perfect book for someone having a rubbish time with their mental health. As well as having various mindful exercises throughout the book, there are many insightful stories and tips. It is broken down into 8 sections, Nature, Sleep, Travel, Relationships, Work, Children, Creativity & Food. You don't need to read in any particular order or complete any exercises you don't want to, it's just nice to have a look through on days you're not feeling your best. The Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman This book sat on my shelf for a while. It has a quiz at the back which I wanted to do with the husband. So I took it with me when we went on holiday at the end of last year. The 5 love languages are Word of Affirmation; Acts of Service; Receiving Gifts; Quality Time & Physical Touch. Each of us has our own Love Language in that one or two of the above is more important to us in our relationship with our partner, not only will you find out what yours is, but it will also give you information on each love language, which helps you understand what your partner expects from you. I have to say, I was surprised at the outcome and it did give me a better understanding of the husband.


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