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Showing posts with the label easter weekend

Finding my focus

Doesn't it make a nice change to have sunny weather for a long weekend! I certainly made the most of it, getting as much of the vitamin D as I possibly could by sitting in the garden on Friday with Toby, who honestly thinks he is my husband. He sits in the husbands chair when he's not in it and tries to fight him when he does decide he wants to sit down and does the same with the bed. He follows me around all day keeping me company and is currently in his usual spot on the windowsill in the Sanctuary, making sure the bin men are doing their job. On Saturday, we travelled to Harwich to visit my brother and niece in their new house. Its such beautiful house, with so much space, I couldn't help but get a bit excited for when we finally move. We had a lovely day, walking into the old town part for some food in the Samuel Pepys (fish and chips obvs!) We walked back to my brothers house along the beach, which is at the end of his road, stopping in the swing park with my niece.