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Showing posts with the label procrastination

A Little Help For A Jet Lagged Girl Please

I spent the last week of the holiday looking forward to getting back into my routine. Now I'm home and I’m feeling flat as a pancake. I know it wasn't supposed to be a relaxing holiday but it was a break, so why am I not feeling refreshed? Why aren’t I jumping back into things with renewed vigour as I imagined I would? Instead, I am sluggish, anxious and if I'm honest, feeling a little low. It's just not how I thought it would be. This holiday has been a focal point for me all year. I was putting so many things on hold until after my holiday and now the time is here and my head is spinning. I want to be a new, improved person but I also want to sit on the sofa and watch TV, not thinking about all the stuff I’ve given myself to do. Last week, I finally set up my LinkedIn profile as a freelance writer. Great. But now I have no idea what to do next. I started looking at some of the roles advertised but most of them want work experience, which I don’t currently have