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Showing posts with the label selfimprovement

3 Very Different TV Shows, A Challenge And An Update On An Old Mystery

5 Things I've seen and heard this week. If you want a quick binge watch Watch Witness No 3 on Channel 5 - I had recorded this and then two friends messaged me to ask me if I had watched it, so I decided to make it a priority. No spoilers from me as usual, so I will just give an overview. Jodie, and two other individuals, witness a suspicious incident, which turns out to be a murder. Will she do the right thing? What is the right thing? If suspense is your thing, then this is for you. If you’re a fan of Tony Robbins Join the time to thrive challenge . I never knew who Tony Robbins was until my friend Zoe told me about him a few years ago. He does seminars that people pay thousands to attend and he is doing the Time To Thrive Challenge online for free. Despite being on holiday, I have signed up and I’m hopeful to watch as much as I can. If you want to know about the original internet troll. Watch The most hated man On The Internet on Netflix. I was shocked that I had never

Three Modest Goals I'm Establishing This Week To Better My Future

Our Intention Creates Our Reality - Wayne Dyer The start of a new month brings new goals and with new goals, are new intentions. This week I’ve tried to focus on different aspects of my life, so I don’t neglect some areas as I feel I may have been. Read and comment on Medium articles This is something I’ve been trying to do each day but I want to be more concise. I’m going to read and comment on 10 articles on the Medium platform each day. Get up and move After seeing that I only closed my exercise ring on my Apple watch four times in June, I am now going to be more mindful of getting myself moving. My watch goes off every hour telling me to stand, so each time that notification goes off, I’m going to stop what I’m doing and move around. Review my morning routine I’ve been playing around with my to-do list a lot recently, trying to figure out what works well at what time of day, so it’s time to review that morning routine and get that back into play. I need those morning walks

Why Being Open And Honest With Yourself And Others Will Change Your Life

Its a small step, for a big reward I had other plans for today’s post. I sat down this morning to read another chapter of The Power of Focus, I read something I just had to share. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our own presence automatically liberates others.” This is from Return to Love by Marianne Williams as quoted by Nelson Mand

My 3 intentions for the week

It’s not only a new week, but a new month and I’m really excited to see what May will bring. I had a busy week last week, so I didn’t have much time to read the submission rules to write for the publication on Medium, so I am going to dedicate some time to do that this week and I already have an idea for my article. I want to get two strength training sessions done, I did one last week, which I enjoyed but I was aching soooo bad for a couple of days afterwards, this time I’ll plan them so I can’t use aches and pains as an excuse. I also want to update my vision board. April was a really good month for me, a lot of things on my vision board are now in progress so it’s time to refresh it with updated goals, I love doing vision boards! What are your intentions for the coming week? ❤️