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Showing posts with the label women

How I Abandoned An Old Attitude By Allowing Myself To Be Miserable

It had a surprising outcome We're halfway through the week! These days, I'm not sure if it's something to celebrate, as time seems to be moving far too fast. At the weekend, I hit a bit of a wall. I felt like I had very little positivity left in my tank and it really irked me. I spent far too much time thinking of ways to replenish the sunny disposition I have come to enjoy. The more I floundered, the more upset and frustrated I was getting until I stopped and asked myself, why I was clambering so desperately to feel happy? Apart from the obvious fact that feeling low is rubbish and that I have a fear that anytime I start to feel crap my depression is coming back, I realised that without these miserable, low moments, I would not feel the giddy heights of happiness that I feel and I certainly wouldn't appreciate them as much as I do now. So, I decided that rather than spend all my energy fighting with my feelings, I would embrace my Britishness and keep calm and ca

A little update

My 3 intentions for the coming week

As of yet no miracle has been invented to prevent me ageing so I am finally going to have to accept that I actually have to start looking after my body. I want and need to get myself back in shape. I’d like to have more energy and just generally feel less sluggish. I’ve read in many articles that strength training is better for women in their 40’s, so I am going to include some of this in my weekly routine. I also want to try and get a hold of my water intake, my skin is clearly feeling the effects of my lack of water so I just need to make more of an effort to not only incorporate this into my daily habits but stick to it. I have a really busy week this week and after (another) weekend away, I need to not only plan, but schedule my blog posts and newsletter. I’ve got myself into a really good rhythm with this and things are going well so I don‘t want to let things slide. I only plan to move forward from now on.

What I'm watching

I've got a list of TV program and film recommendations that goes on forever! Mistresses was one of them and the last couple of weeks, To give myself a breather from Married at First Sight Australia & Real Housewives of Orange, I decided to give one of those recommendations a try. Mistresses follows the lives and loves of four female friends: Katie, a doctor having an affair with a patient; Trudi, a 9/11 widow; Siobhan, a barrister; and Jessica, a commitment phobe who plays the field. The premise is kind of like Sex and the city, however, this was much more realistic and the characters were more relatable. It is brilliantly cast and I found myself completely caught up with the dramas. If you, like me, missed this first time around back in 2008, you can catch all three seasons on BBC iplayer.

I hit 100!

Last night, I finally got 100 followers on medium šŸŽ‰ 124 in fact. I was excited to wake up this morning and apply to join the partnership program. Imagine my surprise when I logged on to my profile to see I only had 56 followers šŸ˜­. Why had so many people unfollowed me? Had that many people looked at my page and though wtf is she on about? Then I saw that I was only following 64 people, which was definitely wrong. I went to the partnership program application page and thankfully noticed a pop up saying there was a technical error. Phew. There was no mass exodus of people unfollowing me. Typical that this would happen as soon as I get enough followers, but it was resolved very quickly. I used this time I read through how it all works and set up a stripe account so that hopefully, one day, I will get paid to write. It’s strange really, even though I have read that it’s not particularly easy to get paid on the platform, the fact that I can now be part of it has given me a bit of a c

I’m giving up

Cards on the table. I set an intention at the beginning of the week to track my food and. I wish I hadn’t. It’s. So. Fucking. Boring. You know what happens when I track food? I eat more, because I am always thinking about food. I wanted to track my food to keep an eye on the nutrients I was getting, but as soon as I opened my fitness pal, it became a calorie counting exercise and I just cannot be arsed with that. I get too obsessed! I once looked up the calories for a lemsip! I was ill, but still didn’t want to go over my calorie threshold. It’s a miserable existence and I’m just not needing this in my life right now. Yes I could do with losing quite a few pounds, but it’s really not a priority for me right now. Life is too short, there are enough things to think about, to worry about and food isn’t going to be one of them. So I am happily erasing that one from the list this week. After I stopped obsessing over food, I started obsessing over my skin. I’m not sure if it’s my age,