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3 Podcasts I am listening to

The majority of my podcast library is true crime, which I love, but sometimes when I wake up at 4am and want to listen to a podcast on my sleepmask, I don't really want to be listening to how someones got murdered in their own bed. So I have thrown some less sinister ones into the mix and these are my current faves. The Wolf & The Owl. My mum actually told me about this one after I watched an episode of King Gary and told her how funny I thought Tom Davis & Romesh Ranganathan were in it. There is no format to the show, but this just seems to work and you can tell that these two are genuine friends, the only problem is it doesn't help me get back to sleep as I am too busy laughing. Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombes Parenting Hell. I LOVE Rob Beckett. I've seen him live many times, but I hadn't bothered to listen to this podcast as I thought that being about parenting, I wouldn't be able to relate to it. I was wrong. Another laugh out loud podcast, that us

What I'm watching

I've got a list of TV program and film recommendations that goes on forever! Mistresses was one of them and the last couple of weeks, To give myself a breather from Married at First Sight Australia & Real Housewives of Orange, I decided to give one of those recommendations a try. Mistresses follows the lives and loves of four female friends: Katie, a doctor having an affair with a patient; Trudi, a 9/11 widow; Siobhan, a barrister; and Jessica, a commitment phobe who plays the field. The premise is kind of like Sex and the city, however, this was much more realistic and the characters were more relatable. It is brilliantly cast and I found myself completely caught up with the dramas. If you, like me, missed this first time around back in 2008, you can catch all three seasons on BBC iplayer.

Some motivational posts for Monday

Have a great week

My 3 Intentions for the coming week

I didn't do particularly well with last weeks intentions. I started off well, getting up at the same time each and taking a nice morning walk, but I found that as the week drew to a close and the long long Easter weekend arrived, I got lost in all the plans and let these slide. As I mentioned in last weeks blog post, food tracking became a complete ball ache and it took over a bit, so for the sake of my sanity (and waistline) I dropped it. I do still want to be conscious of my eating habits, I just need to experiment and find out what works best for me. I am always open to suggestions๐Ÿ™‚ This week, is another short week for me. The husband and I are away for the remainder of Easter weekend and next weekend I am going away with my friend Rachel, so it doesn't give me much time at home, but I have tried to set intentions that will work with this. Send out my substack newsletter. My substack newsletter usually goes out on a Tuesday. I like to keep the content different from the

What went well this week

I’ve been on a pretty high vibe this week and with this, some pretty positive things are happening. As I mentioned in this weeks blog post, I had myself a little mini spa session on Wednesday and I’m pleased to report that as of Saturday morning, the nails are still look fabulous. Home spa sessions will absolutely become a regular thing now. The bestie came over for a catch up on Thursday night, we talked non stop for hours and as soon as she left I realised that there were loads of things I still needed to tell her, that are of course too long for a text message or phone call, so we will have to schedule another catch up in. At the end of the week, I joined the Medium Partnership Program. For me this is a huge step in the right direction for my writing career and I am looking forward to learning from other writers and hopefully having a bit more exposure to the world of writing. I have been blogging for over 5 years and I still enjoy it so much and I happily spend hours shut away in t

I hit 100!

Last night, I finally got 100 followers on medium ๐ŸŽ‰ 124 in fact. I was excited to wake up this morning and apply to join the partnership program. Imagine my surprise when I logged on to my profile to see I only had 56 followers ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Why had so many people unfollowed me? Had that many people looked at my page and though wtf is she on about? Then I saw that I was only following 64 people, which was definitely wrong. I went to the partnership program application page and thankfully noticed a pop up saying there was a technical error. Phew. There was no mass exodus of people unfollowing me. Typical that this would happen as soon as I get enough followers, but it was resolved very quickly. I used this time I read through how it all works and set up a stripe account so that hopefully, one day, I will get paid to write. It’s strange really, even though I have read that it’s not particularly easy to get paid on the platform, the fact that I can now be part of it has given me a bit of a c