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Showing posts from February, 2017

The confession

After we got engaged, I felt a bit more secure in my relationship, nothing had changed really I think it was just the fact that he had made the commitment. We'd set the date for autumn the following year & I started going out less & didn't seek out the attention I had been. I felt "grown up" 9 months before the wedding, my period did not arrive. So I booked a doctor's appointment and because I knew that would be the first thing they would ask. I bought a pregnancy test and it came up positive! I was baffled, our sex life was practically non-existent, he was a very selfish lover, for someone who had slept with so many women he hadn't learnt much! How could there be a baby??? This was the Saturday night and my appointment wasn't until the Monday. We were both stunned and for the first time in my life, I wasn't sure about having children, which came as a massive shock to me, when had this happened? On the Sunday, I was still shell-shocked he (o

Cheating hearts

I am seeing a lot of adultery around me at the moment, it touches the lives of most people unfortunately and I am no exception. I am ashamed to say I have been on both sides of adultery and unfortunately, unknowingly, the other woman. It's very easy for people to have an opinion on this but everyone's situation is different, I'm not saying it makes it right, but I do believe in forgiveness. I have friends that have come through it for the better, its made their relationships stronger, or they have gone on to better things. Others it has destroyed their emotional side and they may never trust another person again. Others are serial adulterers, for the thrill, the chase, the attention. My instance was all wrapped up in one. I was 28, I had separated from my ex and I fell in love, well what I thought was love, but can now look back and see it was an escape, I'd been in a bad relationship with a really possessive guy, I was young and mistook his jealousy for love, I lost pr

No kids for me thanks

I always thought I wanted children, that's the role women play, we keep house and we have children. I spent my entire youth fighting this role, yet as I got older it became more appealing. When I married my ex husband at the age of 27, we had previously discussed having children. I said I wanted to be married first, fooling myself, and him, that I was a traditionalist, really I was just putting things off. I didn't know this at the time, I thought that I genuinely was a traditionalist, I wanted to do things "properly". I would be the first person on both sides of my family to do this. After we separated, my "plan" of having 3-4 children seemed to go out the window. It plagued me at times, I ached for what I thought was wanting to be a parent, but now I know it was more about wanting what I couldn't have. I had this desperate need to settle down, yet, I didn't want to grow up. I had missed out on so many years of just being on my own, I loved it. I

Lean in 15 update

This morning I'm feeling utterly exhausted. I've been getting up at 5:30 each morning this week and 2 of them I have exercised, in addition to making my lunch, breakfast, tidying up the mess & getting ready for work. I'm sorely tempted to sneak a 7 minute snooze in the loo at work (this actually helps).
 I tried a top on this morning and it felt too tight so that's disheartened me and I'm also getting a bit sick of chicken. But as I walked to my office along the Thames, as my stupid train was cancelled, there is not one part of me that wants to give up.
 This most unlike me, normally I'd be reaching for something naughty by now telling myself I deserve it just this once as I'm tired, then I would write the whole day off for having a biscuit and go on to have burger for lunch and a takeaway for dinner, not this time. Maybe it was the delicious cinnamon French toast I had for breakfast or maybe it's just that for the first time in my life, I'm act