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The Body Coach Plan - Week 2

So week 1 is done, I could have done better but I could have eaten and exercised normally and been a lot worse. I am still really enjoying it, which is weird, I feel like I would usually give up by now but I am excited. I have picked up a few things on the way too, so for anyone thinking of trying this, here's how to make it a little easier on yourself. Plan your week in advance -  It's difficult to plan too far in advance as things come up but planning the following week should be easy, this way you know what to shop for, plan ahead for any nights out and when you're best to exercise. Order your shopping online - I've always been a bit weary of this, fearing ridiculous substitutes etc but its brilliant, I have been using Sainsburys now for 2 months and do not have one complaint, the last thing I want to do is be traipsing around a shop when I am not at work. Batch cook - I kept reading people banging on about this and whilst I do enjoy cooking my dinners, lunch meals can be a bit of a ball ache at 6am when you have to make breakfast as well. This week I did it purely because I had some leftovers from dinners but I will certainly be doing it again this week. Join groups on social media - I joined every Facebook group I could find, they're all closed so it wont pop up in anyones news feed (unless they are in the group too) and its so supportive, they have really helped me through when I was feeling crappy about myself and seeing everyone's results really does spur you on. Everyone shares their tips on there (Grenade Bars!!) and its great if you want to know if something you're doing or feeling is right or wrong. I've become a bit of a bodycoach bore and dont want to keep harping on to my boyfriend so its nice to have like-minded people available if you need them. Buy frozen fruit and vegetables where possible. They last longer, I was throwing out so much fresh stuff it was upsetting. Tuesday I felt so exhausted this morning, I decided to give the HIIT session I had planned a miss, I decided to squeeze one in at the weekend instead. Sadly no pancakes this morning because of this, but I did get to have my Lime & Avocado smoothie yay!! I really really love this smoothie, it tastes so good and its so quick and easy to make, I will definitely still make this when I am off the plan. As I mentioned before, I've joined some groups on Facebook for the plan and picked up a tip that there were these things called Grenade Bars which I could have as a snack twice per week, apparently they were a real treat, so on my way to work I went into Holland & Barratts & bought 4, roll on 10am when I could have my snack (this is a time I imposed on myself, it doesn't actually tell you when to eat) 10am came around and I chose the white chocolate cookie one, I absolutely LOVE white chocolate, would this really be as good as everyone is saying? SWEET JESUS YES!! They were bigger than a normal chocolate bar & tasted soooooo good. It took all my strength to leave the other ones in my drawer. I had managed to batch cook some lunches this week and stock them in the fridge. I had gone with the spicy lean turkey mince which I had last week yum yum yum (still thinking about the grenade bars though) Tonight my boyfriend and I had tickets to see a comedian at Royal Albert Hall. I had asked the Facebook group which places were best to eat and what to have, I was told either Nandos or Sirloin Steak with green veg. My boyfriend loves both these so we decided on Nandos. Having messaged my support hero earlier in the week querying alcohol, the general view is try not to have it but if you do try to stick at the eating. I was having it! So I enjoyed a butterfly chicken with Macho Peas & a few glasses of red, then fell asleep in the taxi home. Wednesday I woke up feeling groggy and exhausted, I didn't enjoy this!! I snoozed for an hour (oops) and finally dragged myself out of bed for another smoothie. I had already planned today as a rest day but didnt have time to make the cheese & mushroom omelette I had planned for breakfast. I grabbed the lean muscle mince from the fridge which I had prepared on Monday and off to work I went. I met a friend for coffee at lunch, I hate coffee so I had a coke zero, my friend had a turmeric latte, which I tasted, it was amazing, I'm going to find out if I am allowed these!! I came back and caved in to another grenade bar, chocolate fudge brownie mmm mmm mmm!! No more until next Tuesday now :( I had my best friend over for dinner and decided to have another go at the chicken stir fry as last time I didnt have all the correct ingredients. It came out absolutely delicious!! I did share a bottle of red wine with her but by my standards that's not a lot of booze at all. Thursday Why am I so tired??? I havent exercised since Monday? I knew I had a HIIT planned for after work, which I was worried about, I'm never any good in the evenings, but the thing keeping me going are the carb dinners. I don't think I could eat huge bits of meat and rice in the morning. Due to my unexplained tiredness I got up a bit later, which led me to have another delicious smoothie for breakfast (shame) I met my friend for lunch and actually managed to have a diet coke!! I did suggest wine, but she was very strict so diet coke it was :) I went home that evening focused on doing my HIIT. I had decided to go up to level 2 on the DVD, I had done a week on level 1 now and I knew I could do better. I actually did, I was surprised and at how determined I was and it definitely helps that I knew I could have rice afterwards, these things really do keep me going!! I was SWEATING! I jumped in the shower and had my first ever protein shake, it was odd, kind of like milk. I'm not really a milk drinker apart from milkshakes, I think I thought it was going to be thicker but it had the consistancy of milk. For dinner I was excited to make spicy prawns with rice, I only started eating prawns in the last few years and I love them. The dinner did not disappoint, I will definately be having that one again! So I am now 10 days into the plan and I have to say I am still enjoying it. I really enjoy the cooking and trying the new recipes and the exercising, although exhausting, is over so quickly I feel a sense of achievement afterwards, even if I do swear at Joe Wicks the entire way through his DVD.


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