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It’s so trying when I’m always crying

I've been off my anti depressants for just over four weeks now. I was pretty happy with the fact that I had very few withdrawal symptoms apart from feeling like my brain was moving about it my head constantly and some very vivid dreams, that was until week 3. We took the kids away for the bank holiday weekend, which I was quite looking forward to. We had a good weekend, then it was time to come home. Usually I have the following day booked off so that I can catch up with washing and housework etc, but I only had 3 days left to take until the end of the year, so I decided as long as we left early enough I would be ok. Monday came and as usual everyone is slowly going about their business and getting ready to go swimming, whilst I am frantically trying to pack everyone's bags as we're supposed to be out of the apartment by 10, this is at 9:50am. The kids are following me around and getting under my feet and my boyfriend is just wandering around aimlessly as usual. At 11, he was in the shower there was a knock on the door reminding us that we needed to check out. I was still in my PJs waiting to get into the shower. I was stressed! I just wanted to get home, we'd had a busy week the before and I knew the house was in a state and I knew we wouldn't be home until at least 5pm as we weren't leaving until 3pm. My mind kept going over all the things I needed to do, I was exhausted, the walls in the apartment were so thin you had people up at 6am shouting down to someone 3 doors away and the guy next door singing (very badly to his kid) I text my boss and asked for a day's holiday, I couldn't cope with living in a pig sty until the following weekend, plus I only get 4 free days a month I didn't fancy spending one of them cleaning, especially if the weather was going to be nice. I had the day off and spent the entire day cleaning, I got up around 7 and sat down about 4:30 by that time I would need to start thinking about cooking dinner. I felt a bit resentful that I'd had to use a precious days holiday to do this. Although I felt accomplished I knew the house being in this state wouldn't last long. I felt a bit angry, I shouldn't have had to do that. Unfortunately, I did unless I wanted to sit in a mess all week and then give up a precious & rare Saturday or Sunday with my boyfriend. The following day I woke up and felt so fed up to the point where I got out of the shower and had a little cry. I pulled myself together and got myself to work in hope that I would be distracted. Distracted I was, it would appear that my colleagues had undergone some brain removal transplant and everyone had forgotten about stuff they needed and now everything was urgent. Usually I thrive on working under pressure I love being against the clock, but today I was not mentally prepared for this. I ranted and swore to my team about everyone's incompetence and found myself at my desk desperate to burst into tears.Fuck! I hope I'm not getting depressed again! This sent me into a panic. Whilst I was ok on the tablets and really didn't have any qualms about going back on, I was disappointed as I had been doing so well. I was angry and upset with my boyfriend, I felt so very unappreciated, I'd spent the last three bank holiday weekends doing stuff with him & the kids, I felt like I needed a break but I never got one as there was always something that needed doing. I had spoken to him several times about doing more around the house but it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears and now I was exhausted. I was tired of moaning to him about it and I was hurt that he couldn't see how shattered I was, most nights I wasn't sitting down until 8:30, bearing in mind we don't have the kids in the week. I felt this was all taken for granted. I felt angry that he would come in from work and I'd be cooking or cleaning and he would plonk all his crap on the dining table and sit down in front of the TV then when dinner was ready I'd have to clear the table (again) while he just sat there playing a poxy game on his phone or watching TV. I felt neglected. There was only one thing to do and that was message my life coach. She was great as usual and just being able to get it all out really helped. My boyfriend had messaged me earlier to say he wasn't going golf as he'd planned as he was too tired and wanted to come home to me. Whilst this sounds lovely, I couldn't help thinking that his real reason for coming home was simply because he was tired and nothing to do with me apart from the fact he would be waited on as usual. To my surprise, he came home with flowers for me as a thank you for cleaning the house. I felt quite happy and that maybe we were getting somewhere. We had a whole weekend together coming up another rare thing as we usually always have something going on, I had been really looking forward to it. Then he decides to say he's playing golf on Sunday. He's already said he wanted to do stuff around the house on Saturday so that would have left us Sunday to spend time together. I couldn't hide my disappointment, I'm not sure I even tried. He said he wouldn't go, but that wasn't the point. He WANTED to go. I'm not going to stop him doing what he wants to do. I'm just gutted that he doesn't want to do something with me. Especially as I've been feeling so shite. But that's what happens, I pull closer, he moves away. Anyway, back to the crying. The following day was horrific. I felt like I was back to square one. I honestly don't know how I didn't cry. My work friend came over to me at lunchtime and my chin was wobbling I just prayed she didn't ask me what was wrong! I felt a bit better after that and by mid afternoon I felt ecstatically happy. WTF?! Oh god am I bi-polar? I decided to look it all up and to my relief it was perfectly normal to feel like this when withdrawing from the tablets. This actually eased my mind a little. Still bloody annoying tho. The weekend went pretty much the same on a rollercoaster of emotions I was like a leaky tap, I apologised to my boyfriend saying that I knew some of the things I was thinking & feeling were irrational. What I really wanted was to be comforted but I didn't want to ask for it. I didn't want to ask for any of it, I just wish he would do some of these things of his own back and not because he is asked.


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