What a different week to the last two weeks and not in a good way! I seem to have misplaced my mojo.I've found myself not sleeping properly, leading me to neglect my exercise regime, the lack of exercise left me more sluggish & then I was craving all the wrong food, which led to eating & drinking lots at the weekend. I did have the excuse of being a bit naughty as I was celebrating my best friends birthday on Saturday, however there was probably no need to warm myself up with so much wine on Friday or for the McDonald’s recovery lunch on Sunday! I have such a love hate relationship with Uber eats!! I spent the entire week kidding myself that I would "exercise when I get home from work" or "I'll exercise tomorrow" All of my enthusiasm seem to have disappeared and I missed it. I've made the not so shocking discovery that too much bread makes me feel, well like crap. I know this is common knowledge amongst pretty much everyone, but I REALLY noticed ...
Personal growth, Self-Care, Motivation, Mindset. I write about my life lessons to inspire. You can reach me at: thisis_stillme@outlook.com