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Hello square one, nice to see you again

What a different week to the last two weeks and not in a good way! I seem to have misplaced my mojo.I've found myself not sleeping properly, leading me to neglect my exercise regime, the lack of exercise left me more sluggish & then I was craving all the wrong food, which led to eating & drinking lots at the weekend. I did have the excuse of being a bit naughty as I was celebrating my best friends birthday on Saturday, however there was probably no need to warm myself up with so much wine on Friday or for the McDonald’s recovery lunch on Sunday! I have such a love hate relationship with Uber eats!! I spent the entire week kidding myself that I would "exercise when I get home from work" or "I'll exercise tomorrow" All of my enthusiasm seem to have disappeared and I missed it. I've made the not so shocking discovery that too much bread makes me feel, well like crap. I know this is common knowledge amongst pretty much everyone, but I REALLY noticed it last week and I do tend to only eat wholemeal or seeded bread. It just made me feel heavy, or was it the packet of jaffa cakes I consumed in one breath? Either way I have decided to try to reduce my bread intake, rather that than jaffa cakes :) Friday was a stressful day at work, I met a friend for lunch, then had a meeting with my boss in the pub, it was an actual meeting might I add, just with wine involved. Whilst it all seemed like a good idea at the time, it's not really when you're getting an unnecessary uber home at 7:30pm, from outside the train station that could take you home and order an indian takeaway when you get in. For the record I only ate half of it, but still, during and after the wine all the things you spend the entire week doing, like eat healthy, save money & walk to and from the station to get more exercise, go out the window. Monday came around and whilst I was under no illusions that I would be losing any weight, I didn’t really expect to undo all my hard work of the previous two weeks and put that 4lb back on. After inputting my calories from the weekend into MyFitnessPal (the ones I could remember, apparently by the end of Saturday night I was talking to people with my eyes shut) I was horrified to discover I’d consumed 4 days worth of calories in 2 days (not so much now, after writing the above) Bloody booze is the devil! Despite me being back to square one with my weight, the trains being delayed and work being hideous I have somehow pulled my mojo back from where it was hiding. I got home Monday evening & cleaned the wreck that was my house - why is it after a night out, clothes and shoes end up scattered randomly around the house?! - Filled in my LOA planner for the week, even self-care Sunday went out of the window, I was too tired!! Then I did my meal planning for the week. I had my three hello fresh meals delivered on Sunday, (teriyaki pork, Spanish style fish stew & sweet chilli chicken this week in case you were wondering) and planned my exercise out for the week. No excuses now!
Moral of the story is don't listen to myself when I've had wine!


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