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February Reflections

Wednesday 2nd March I posted lists last month around self care and what makes me happy and I also post my intentions for each week. I thought it would be a good idea to look back on February and see what went well, how I looked after myself and where I can make improvements. Over February, I set the below intentions and achieved them - Drink Less alcohol - I am finding that I don't enjoy alcohol as much as I once did and better still, I don't feel like I need it when I am having a shit day, in fact, I usually avoid it now. I realised after the last weekend that it really bloats me, leaves me feeling groggy and gives me blotchy skin, is it really worth it? - Don't fill up my diary - I have put saying no into practice, especially things in the evening. It feels really good. I do tend to say to people I will see how I feel on the day if I can and make my decision then, based on how I am feeling at the time. I hate cancelling, but I also hate dreading things and wishing I wasn't going, even though I usually enjoy myself when I do go. - Schedule in me time and stick to it - I am now making time for this pretty much every day. The sanctuary is a massive help, I want to be in here, whether its to write, read or just sit and be. The following intentions are ones I still wish to keep, but need to work on: - Practice breathing exercises - I listened to the book "Breath" by James Nestor on audible and it was really interesting, the way we breathe is so important to our health, its especially important that we breathe through our noses rather than our mouth. The book provides breathing exercises so I need to try those out, I also want to buy the paperback so I can refer back to some of the sections I found especially interesting. - Try Yoga - I have listed this intention a couple of times and still haven't gotten around to doing it. We have been talking about it on one of my whatsapp groups today and my friend has recommended an online one to try so I will be giving that a go. - Spend less time on my phone - I'm getting better. The sanctuary will also help as I don't feel the need to scroll so much. I am going to keep an eye on my screen time and I should see an improvement come the end of March. - Get outside for some fresh air - I've downloaded couch to 5k (again) I would love to enjoy running again or failing that get back into walking. I think I traumatised myself with the walking last year when I overcommitted, I think just a short walk in the morning will do to start with, especially now the mornings are getting lighter. - Get back to writing the book - I have found that at the moment, I am enjoying writing blog posts, as long as I am consistently writing, I am happy. The book will come when its ready - Drink 2 Litres of water per day - Why do I find this so bloody hard??? I know I can do it, I've done it before. I have one of those 2 litre bottles, there really is no excuse except that I bloody love coke zero too much and these sleepless nights aren't helping. I will persevere with this one though. Despite not meeting all the intentions I set for myself, the ones I have achieved are pretty significant. Reducing my alcohol intake has a huge knock on effect in all areas of my life and will lead on to helping achieve other intentions. Managing my diary properly, by saying no to things and scheduling time for me, will open up room for me to do things such as Yoga and getting out for walks. I am confident that I am on the right path and excited about where that leads. #intention #love #meditation #mindfulness #selfcare #gratitude #selflove #motivation #healing #manifestation #inspiration #energy #spirituality #purpose #manifest #intentionalliving #life #intuition #goals #wellness #consciousness #mindset #spiritual #believe #awareness #success


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