As you have probably gathered from my previous posts, I am now doing Slimming World. I won't refer to it as a diet, as in actual fact, I'm not being deprived of any food (or alcohol - and I think we can all agree I like a drink or 10) For those of you not familiar with Slimming World, here is the basic concept. All lean meat, most fish & seafood, fruit & vegetables are what is known as free food, you can have as much of this as you like, this also includes potatoes, pasta & eggs. Yes you read that correctly, as my Mum often said when she was giving me her slimming world sales pitch "you can eat a whole bag of potatoes if you like" but it's true (although I'm yet to try it) then you have what is known as healthy extras one list is made up of certain dairy products (milk & cheese) and the other is fibre (bread, crackers, cereals) you are to have one from each list per day. Then all other food is given a "syn" value for example a large g...
Personal growth, Self-Care, Motivation, Mindset. I write about my life lessons to inspire. You can reach me at: