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When your comfort doesn’t cut it

I haven't written for a while, work has been hectic, wedding planning has been stressful and my boyfriend had a bereavement. I like to think of myself as someone who is good at helping others, if my friends have problems, I am usually one of the people they come to for advise or comfort. Which is why I have found myself in this unusual situation with my boyfriend. He's one of those types of people who does not want to be comforted, at least not by me and if I am completely honest, I have absolutely no idea how to deal with this situation. Of course, this situation isn't about me, he is the one who is grieving.I did not know this person very well at all, but I wanted to write about my experience here as it's not something I have experienced before I and I am finding it quite bewildering and if I am honest, really quite stressful as I want to help and comfort him, but I don't know how. For the first time in our 5 years of being together, I genuinely don't know ho

I’m becoming a right positive patsy

I had my second LOA session 10 days ago. It was my first day back at work and I was still recovering from my hen weekend, I really just wanted to go home and sleep but I was also excited about my next session. I felt like I was cutting it a little fine though, my appointment was at 7pm, I had to navigate the M25, including the Dartford tunnel, which is pretty much jammed anytime between 7 in the morning and 8pm at night and the M11. On a Saturday the journey usually takes me an hour but in rush hour, who knows. I got to my car at just after 5.30, the local traffic is always a bit of pain anyway and usually I would send myself into a bit of a stress attack as I absolutely hate being late, but I calmly told myself that I had done everything in my power to get there on time, if I was late it wouldn't be my fault and Tanya would understand. Do you know what time I got there, I got there 20 minutes early. I think I stopped at one set of traffic lights the whole way and there was not a

I think I am starting to get me

It feels like forever since my last blog post, there's just been so much going on. I've started my new job, which involves a lot more brain activity than I've been used to in a while, its been my birthday - I am now 37 years old, someone please tell my brain, although I think my body is too far ahead and thinks its 50 - and I had my hen weekend, which was honestly amazing. All of these things have obviously impacted my life and most definitely my mindset, I am however, truly amazed at how quickly the laws of attraction (LOA) therapy has changed the way I think and feel. Please don't get me wrong, I still have down days and I am still an absolute psycho (on occasion) but, what I have realised is that that's who I am, hence the change in my the main title of my blog from "Who am I?" to "This is me" as I feel like I am finally getting to grips with who I really am and do you know what, I actually quite like me (dont tell Barry!) I am just now more i

The Ora experience so far

As you know from my last blog post, I recently had my first session of a new therapy a friend of mine has started. So much has happened since I had this therapy I just had to write about it, also I am hoping this should cover some of the homework (Tanya?) I came away from the first session with a whole new sensation in my body, the only way I can think to describe it is like a bubbling, to the point of bursting with a mixture of excitement and a real positive feeling, it's a bit like when you've bought someone a gift and you know they are going to love it, an excited anticipation. The first noticeable thing that happened, was the day after my first session. I woke up all snuggled in bed feeling what can only be described as content. I thought to myself, "I could really do with a couple more days off and start the new job on Monday" I got up, made some tea and tended to the boyfriend, who had come down with a deadly bout of man flu (a cold). A while later I got a text

The Ora Experience - The power of attraction

Recently I have been feeling what can only be described as "all over the place." I didn't know what I was doing, where I belonged and just felt completely lost. I've had this before and just muddled through, but this was different, I really needed to do something about it, I just didnt know what. A friend of mine is a holistic therapist (as well as a Reiki teacher and psychic medium) and I remembered her talking about completing a diploma in the laws of attraction, so I dropped her a desperate whatsapp asking when she was starting this new therapy, she replied saying that she was actually at the class at that very moment and would message me the details. When she did later that day I immediately asked to book in, I was desperate to take some action. I left my job last Thursday all ready to join my new place this week, but this did not help, I didn't know what to do with myself and found myself in a huge anxious mess on Monday, I was so glad that I had my session b

For the love of books

One thing I have always loved is reading. I had hypnotherapy last year and one of the questions the hypnotherapist asked in the initial session was do I hear, see or smell, I definitely see. When I am reading a book I am so immersed, I know exactly what that person looks like, for me it like watching a film, it's the same when I dream its like watching TV. As I have mentioned before, my ambition is to write books, not just one, but many. I want to give to others what so many authors have given to me. I am writing this blog post to share my favourite books and givers of book hangovers. In no particular order: Kane & Abel - Jeffrey Archer. I must have read this book at least 10 times and it never gets boring, I won't go into detail on any of these books as I don't want to ruin it but this really is one of the greatest stories I have ever read. Dead Simple - Peter James. A friend of mine got me into this series and I am totally hooked. I love how each book has a few indi

Slimming world, hormones and me

As you have probably gathered from my previous posts, I am now doing Slimming World. I won't refer to it as a diet, as in actual fact, I'm not being deprived of any food (or alcohol - and I think we can all agree I like a drink or 10) For those of you not familiar with Slimming World, here is the basic concept. All lean meat, most fish & seafood, fruit & vegetables are what is known as free food, you can have as much of this as you like, this also includes potatoes, pasta & eggs. Yes you read that correctly, as my Mum often said when she was giving me her slimming world sales pitch "you can eat a whole bag of potatoes if you like" but it's true (although I'm yet to try it) then you have what is known as healthy extras one list is made up of certain dairy products (milk & cheese) and the other is fibre (bread, crackers, cereals) you are to have one from each list per day. Then all other food is given a "syn" value for example a large g