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Hello square one, nice to see you again

What a different week to the last two weeks and not in a good way! I seem to have misplaced my mojo.I've found myself not sleeping properly, leading me to neglect my exercise regime, the lack of exercise left me more sluggish & then I was craving all the wrong food, which led to eating & drinking lots at the weekend. I did have the excuse of being a bit naughty as I was celebrating my best friends birthday on Saturday, however there was probably no need to warm myself up with so much wine on Friday or for the McDonald’s recovery lunch on Sunday! I have such a love hate relationship with Uber eats!! I spent the entire week kidding myself that I would "exercise when I get home from work" or "I'll exercise tomorrow" All of my enthusiasm seem to have disappeared and I missed it. I've made the not so shocking discovery that too much bread makes me feel, well like crap. I know this is common knowledge amongst pretty much everyone, but I REALLY noticed

Perseverance pays off

Another week is upon us and even though last week didn’t exactly go as I’d hoped on the scales, rather than take myself off to McDonald’s for a consoling chicken select meal (with cheeseburger chaser obvs!) I stuck to my meal plan and it really paid off. Same excitement this Monday, but with a bit of trepidation, having been stung last week, I hopped on the scales and to my delight was greeted with a 4lb loss! Wahoo! I think I am finding doing things this way easier for a few reasons. 1. No foods are banned/points/syns. Everything is counted, as calories. I don’t doubt that points and syns actually work, in fact I’ve seen evidence through friends & family, but for me, that mentality doesn’t work. If I think I can’t have something, I want it even more! Worse still, if something is a “free food” I’ll eat too much of that. 2. I’ve mastered portion control. Ok it’s not a science, but usually, when I make dinner it's usually 7-8pm at night, I’ve eaten my last meal at 12pm so after 7

Down but not out

For the first time in as long as I can remember, I woke up on Monday morning and was actually looking forward to weighing myself. I had been so good last week, stayed just under my suggested calorie intake given by MyFitnessPal, apart from one day where I went slightly over (balance right?) I only drank wine on Friday and had a couple of gin & slimlines on Saturday and remained alcohol free for the other 5 days of the week - this is good, for me! I had an Indian takeaway on Friday night, which I got up early on Friday morning and sweated for 30 minutes to earn some calories towards, then later on, I was rather drunk, thanks to the wine and after asking my husband 3 times what he wanted, I still ordered the wrong thing. I only ate half of my dinner before falling asleep on the sofa. I was tempted to eat it for breakfast on Saturday but this wasn’t in the meal plan I had written down so I binned it. Willpower! So back to Monday morning. I bounded downstairs and hopped on the scales

2019 I’m ready for you!

We made it through the first week of January! I spent the first half of January on holiday, so forgive my late start, it's quite difficult to start a health regime when there is free food & booze a plenty! I did however, start my meal planning, organise an online food delivery for when I returned and cancel my gym membership all on New Years Day, so I was definitely in the right mindset. I know that cancelling the gym doesn’t sound like part of a good weight loss plan, but after looking at the new timetable, I found that the classes I loved were either at different times, which were inconvenient or were no longer at my gym so it seemed a waste of £102 per month. I have discovered the Nike Training Club app instead, ok I’m probably a bit late to the party on this one, but I’ve signed up to a free 6 week plan, exercising 2-3 times per week, this is in addition to the 40 minute walk I do 5 days per week as part of my commute. That alongside meal planning healthy meals I should hop

Happy New Year! I’m back.

I thought that the start of 2019 would be the perfect time to write my first blog post for some time. Last year started off so well, I was focused, happy and really excited about getting married. Unfortunately there were some extremely stressful events where I truly struggled and eventually, about a month ago, I went to the doctor who confirmed what I dreaded, he told me I had depression again and that he would prescribe me anti depressants. I have nothing against taking them, they helped me so much before, but I couldn't help feeling like a failure. Why is it that others can go through the same experiences and not get depressed or anxious? Of course I know that it's a chemical imbalance rather than the incidents themselves, I have also realised that stress is my trigger. I'm a stress head by nature but the first time I was on anti depressants I was going through a messy divorce and this year I've had a new job, a family death & a wedding all in the first 5 months

Picking it up and not putting it off

Hi Everyone, Its been a while, I'm not really sure where the time has gone, but I have been up to quite a bit, mostly revolving around self-care. As you will have gathered from my last blog post, I was spiralling back down the hole at rapid speed. After a few weeks of crying, moping and generally feeling sorry for myself I decided to take my life back. The first thing I did is booked in to see a counsellor. I have written previously about my CBT therapy, which I found somewhat helpful and my counselling sessions, maybe not so helpful. I decided that given my previous counselling sessions didn't go so well as I didnt really gel with the counsellor, I decided to give it another go after a particularly bad weekend. I went onto the BACP website (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and decided to look for a counsellor near my office, the website shows pictures so I changed the search to my area and came across one woman whose picture I felt quite drawn to, sent h


I haven't been on here for a while, since I last wrote, I gained a husband (Yay) but, I have lost my mojo (boo) I've decided to write about everything to see if that will help me figure this all out. The week before the wedding was extremely stressful, not only was there a wedding to plan, but there was a funeral to attend 3 days before. I was at a complete loss on what to do for my husband as this had affected him quite badly, but he just went into himself and didn't seem to want to be around me. I tried to just get on with the last of the wedding plans but I was at my wit's end with worry about him, resulting in neither of us sleeping and then I came down with a sickness bug the week before then wedding, 2 days of this then turned into a full-blown cold. I honestly think I got through those last days on adrenaline alone! His ex girlfriend was also back to her old tricks of using the children as weapons, threatening that they would not attend the wedding as she wanted