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A Little Help For A Jet Lagged Girl Please

I spent the last week of the holiday looking forward to getting back into my routine. Now I'm home and I’m feeling flat as a pancake. I know it wasn't supposed to be a relaxing holiday but it was a break, so why am I not feeling refreshed? Why aren’t I jumping back into things with renewed vigour as I imagined I would? Instead, I am sluggish, anxious and if I'm honest, feeling a little low. It's just not how I thought it would be. This holiday has been a focal point for me all year. I was putting so many things on hold until after my holiday and now the time is here and my head is spinning. I want to be a new, improved person but I also want to sit on the sofa and watch TV, not thinking about all the stuff I’ve given myself to do. Last week, I finally set up my LinkedIn profile as a freelance writer. Great. But now I have no idea what to do next. I started looking at some of the roles advertised but most of them want work experience, which I don’t currently have

5 Mind Blowing True Crime Documentaries You May Have Missed

I'll be honest with you, this wasn't the post I had planned for today. Jet lag got the better of me and I didn't have the brain capacity to write my original post. The true crime posts I usually write focus on unsolved cases and it's important to me that I give them the time and attention they deserve. Instead, I've prepared a list of some of the best true crime documentaries I have seen and I hope that I'll be back to normal for next week's post. ❤️ The Central Park Five I originally heard about this story when I watched the mini-series, When They See Us I was so moved by the story that I went on to watch the documentary, and both left me in tears. In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers were convicted of raping a white woman. They spent several years in prison before someone else confessed to the crime. Outcry A five-part series about a teenage high school football player sentenced to prison for the sexual assault of a four-year-old boy. This doc

3 Small Intentions I’m Setting This Week To Energise Me After My Holiday

Revisit my routine After 2 weeks away and being 5 hours behind, everything is a little up in the air. There are things I want to remove from my routine and things I would like to add. Exercise I started using the FIIT app before I went away so I want to get back to that. All that walking around made me realise I need to improve my fitness. Writing articles I write every day but just for my personal blog, I want to write some articles so that when I make pitches they’re ready to go. I plan to work very hard this week! What are your intentions? ❤️

Habits, Productivity, Goals and a Good Book - 5 Things I’ve Seen & Heard This Week

Learn how daily habits can improve your life I’m a huge fan of building habits, so when I read this article in Psychologies magazine, I just had to share. I find that having daily habits and rituals is good for my anxiety. Be productive whilst you move My Fitness Pal shared this blog post. I’ve had some great ideas whilst out on a walk so I definitely want to try some of these suggestions. Achieve your goals I spoke a lot about goals this week and this article has some fantastic tips on how to achieve your goals Manage your tasks I am always looking for new ways to improve the way I manage my day and this blog post has lots of useful info on how to do just that A fab book If you are looking for a new read to keep you on the edge of your seat, then look no further. I just finished Hostage by Clare Macintosh and read it over a few days, although maybe not one for the plane 😉 Song Of The Day - If you missed it, here’s this week’s playlist .

3 Things That I Appreciate From The Last Week Of My Holiday

I set up my LinkedIn profile Hurrah! After many weeks of putting it off, I finally did it! It still needs a lot of work and I need to work on selling myself as it’s something I’m not very good at but I’ve taken a major step in the right direction. If you would like to add me to your network, you can find me here . Taking some time out A holiday to theme parks can be tiring, I also felt a bit unwell whilst we were away so despite feeling guilty about not joining in, I did what was best for my body and took some time out when I needed it. I definitely need to listen to my body more. Disney Enchantment Spectacular We went we to see this on our last night and I have to say I was very impressed. The fireworks and light show at Disneys Magical Kingdom really magical is and lives up to its name as spectacular, it was a great way to end the holiday. What went well for you this week? ❤️

My Second Stormy Week Of Holiday - An Irish Bar & A Visit To SeaWorld

Last Thursday, I spent an enjoyable day relaxing around the pool reading my latest book Hostage by Clare Macintosh. Probably not the best book to be reading when I have a 9-hour flight ahead of me next week but oh well. It was very good. In the evening, we had booked a Japanese tepanyaki restaurant for dinner and were heading to an Irish bar for drinks before. We do love an Irish bar and manage to find one on almost every holiday, it’s only a matter of time before Cuba and the Maldives get one! After a delicious dinner, we headed back to Murphy's bar and I was by now drunk enough to partake in some karaoke, I was shortly followed by a former pop idol & ex-factor applicant sterling, so if at any point, I had thought my singing was passable, I didn’t after that! The following day, I felt so ill! Was this food poisoning or just a hangover? I hadn’t drunk that much, no more than I had drank the weekend before I went away. I spent most of the morning feeling like I was on one

5 Articles On Medium To Help You Accomplish Your Goals

This is my 700th post on Medium 🥳 I think I’ve come a long way since my first post Welcome To My Blog In yesterdays post, I shared 5 Steps To Setting Goals & Some Useful Tools & Tips Here are 5 articles I found on Medium that also provide some useful information around goal setting In the post What Do You Want? from Gustavo Gallina, we are reminded; “Dreams should be pursued. Set objectives and strive toward them.” In 3 Ways To Make Habits Stick Sobaan Saeed, also talks about failure “You’re gonna fail, you’re gonna screw up but if you show up with that positive attitude every day and just keep trying to do better that’s really all you can ask of yourself.” Daria Haller talks about self discipline in 8 Brilliant Ways To Master Your Self Discipline “don’t forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments.” Eve Arnold makes some great points in the article Why Trading Your Life Hack Mindset For Mindful Productivity Means You Wake Up Happier “Mindful prod