The husband decided to provide some feedback on my last block post. To summarise, he didn’t like how I had tried to condense what I was trying to say, he said it felt rushed and didn’t have the same personality as my usual blog posts. I wouldn’t mind, but that blog post took me bloody ages, not to write, but to edit and condense so that people didn’t get bored with my ramblings. So now, you have him to thank if this post turns out to be too long :) The birthday was celebrated a bit too much at the weekend. I spent my actual birthday feeling a bit pissed off with myself for not being spritely enough to do anything and cancelling the plans that I had with the husband. I couldn't wait for Monday, when I would feel back to normal on again. If anything, I felt worse on Monday. I’ve had many a moody Monday in my time, but I don’t quite recall one this severe. I woke up tearful and unmotivated. Self deprecating thoughts flying about my brain, thinking of all the things I could have and ...
Personal growth, Self-Care, Motivation, Mindset. I write about my life lessons to inspire. You can reach me at: